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Lord Stanley - Frederick Arthur Stanley Lord Stanley collection

Well we all know Lord Stanley but to come accross vintage memorabilia, its something else…

I recently got some funny items and found out that they where rare….

1- To put you in the mood, the first item is the 1889 Montreal Carnival program. Of course, this program is from that era the one to get. This is the year that Lord Stanley attended the first hockey game and we all know the rest of the story, gave is name to the magnificent trophy, The Stanley cup. This is the event that changed everything…

The program is great condition as showned in pictures mesures 5in x 6.5in and holds 4 pages…..the last one that came up was in 2007 at Classic auctions, you can look it up….
2- A 1896 lithograph from the RACING ILLUSTRATED, again in superb state of conservation mesures 13.5in. × 9.5in. This picture showes Frederick Arthur Stanley in a large view….
3- Earl of Derby Reunion Banquet……Again in superb shape like all items in the collection, this items comes from ``THE GRAPHIC`` weekly newspaper, september 26, 1896 and mesures 11in. × 16in.
4- F.A.STANLEY, Colonel, The New Secretary of war dates range from 1878 to 1880 and mesures 7.5in. × 8.5in… i need to tell you its in perfect condition….
5- ``Derby`` autograph…..this comes from an old envelope or letter and mesures 5in. × 3.75in. and signed ``Derby``….Frederick Arthur Stanley was also Earl of Derby from 1893—1908 until he died
6- 1908 Postcard souvenir from funeral…..mesures 5.5in. × 3.5in. and again in superb state of conservation and no ink in the back….like new….







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