Hello! Bunny LaBounce here, and I just got in from the crazy street of Downtown Vancouver where horns are honking, Loungo is on the back of every man's, woman's and child's jersey, beer is running low on tap and high fives have turned into accidental face slaps. The playoffs here in Vancouver have gotten off to a sexy start.
The Vancouver Canucks have dominated the first two games in the first round of their series against last years Cup raisers, The Chicago Blackhawks... who, by the way, had aborted Vancouver's chances in the last two play off seasons....but this year Chicago is a different team and Vancouver is a better team. Even though Chicago did put up a good fight here in game 2, the Canucks have smoothly transitioned from President Trophy winners to play off round 1 leaders. Loungo's shut out in the first game, and the couple of insanely magical saves he made, stated he is now in “Warrior Mode.” We saw it last year in the Olympics, and now we are seeing it again, one of the leagues' best, at his best. And nothing supports a team better then a high functioning goalie keeping the energy up! Vancouver owned the first game. The second game, of course The Blackhawks came out with gusto and revenge, but in the high scoring game that it was, Vancouver's still was able to stay on top throughout the whole game. I like a team who likes being on top. Wink. With game 3 being in Chicago and a possible 'turning point' game, the Canucks kept it cool and played very well, even though Chicago played their best game of the series with Patrick Sharp looking oh so sharp. Canadeins west of Manitoba... jump on the band wagon... we'll make room.
Another exciting first round series are the Montreal Canadeins vs the Boston Bruins. Carey Price was another goalie with a shut out, generating great heat for the start of this series. Maybe we ruled out Montreal a bit early for slagging the last few weeks before the playoffs, I didn't expect them to come out as strong as they have. But taking the first two games has thrown a log on the fire and this will be a good series to follow for the Canadeins east of Manitoba.
In the series with the LA Kings and the San Jose Sharks the boys have it the easiest for travel... no jet leg or sleep deprivation excuses for these two teams. Common, California Boys, lets see heat!! You blink and you are in each others' Arena's... they could take the bus for $2.50. Well LA's Jaret Stoll is going to have a good rest since being suspended for his dirty hit on San Jose's D-man Ian White. I like dirty, but Stoll's hit was too early for that dirty, in this Bunnies opinion. Speaking of dirty, Buffalo and the Flyers; tons of penalties.... boxing matches.... high scoring games, these guys are pushing and going hard to the net. I am in love with this series match up.
Detroit is making Phoenix look like the Calgary Flames. The Red Wings are spanking the Coyotes. So we are looking at a likely Red Wing vs Canucks for round 2 series. Will be a good series to watch because these boys will have a few days to rest... but surely their momentum won't be detoured because these are too very matured teams that seem to have a system that works. Focus, seasoned and eye of the Tiger.
I have the eye of the Bunny. Just as dangerous. I want the Canucks to win, so, Detroit... I'll see you at the Roxy bar. I'll buy you a drink!