The Dominion Hockey Challenge Cup "The Stanley Cup" currently sits behind locked glass, in the vault at The Hockey Hall of Fame in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The Original Stanley Cup has not seen a Hockey Arena or Championship Games since 1963. This is what the vault looks like with The Original Stanley Cup on display with Original Silver Bands.

- Amateur Hockey Assocoiation of Canada (AHAC)
- Ontario Hockey Association (OHA)
- Manitoba Hockey Association (MHA)
- Central Canada Hockey Association (CCHA)
- Canadian Amateur Hockey League (CAHL)
- Maritime Hockey League (MHL)
- Manitoba & Northwestern Hockey Association (MNWHA)
- Federal Amateur Hockey League (FAHL)
- Eastern Canada Amateur Hockey Association (ECAHA)
- Manitoba Professional Hockey League (MPHL)
- Ontario Professional Hockey League (OPHL)
- Alberta Amateur Hockey Association (AAHA)
- National Hockey Association (NHA)
- New Onterio Hockey League (NOHL)
- Pacific Coast Hockey Association (PCHA)
- National Hockey League (NHL)
- Western Canada Hockey League (WCHL)
- Western Hockey League (WHL)
- And my favourite Stanley Cup Challenge, The Dawson City Nuggets from the Yukon in 1905
Most Hockey fans will never get to see The Real Stanley Cup if it continues to stay at The Hockey Hall of Fame 24/7, 365 days a year. There are millions of people that would cherish the moment to see this Historic Trophy, yet they never will. People that cannot afford to travel any distance, families that need to spend their hard earned dollars at home, workers with 1 day off, these are only some of the reasons why Hockey fans cannot get to Toronto. I myself have always wanted to see The Original Stanley Cup, but I have had no reason to go to Toronto other then that. A very expensive trip that most people cannot afford.
I want you to think about this:
NHL Hockey teams pay their players millions, and I mean millions of dollars to play Ice Hockey. Each organization wants to win The Stanley Cup, and they develope their organization to try to achieve this. Their supporters, sponsors and fans generate ticket & merchandise sales to keep the team heading in the right direction, which is trying to win The Stanley Cup. Why can't the NHL, The Hockey Hall of Fame and the Stanley Cup Trustees work together to bring The Original Stanley Cup back to the Championship Games. Can they not afford to build a secure display that could move to each Conference Champions home town. The Stanley Cup generates billions of dollars of revenues, so I find that a tough sell. What I can tell you is - every Stanley Cup Final host city would bend over at the chance to host The Original Stanley Cup in their city. Every city in the NHL has museums, hotel ballrooms, convention centres and of course the Arena that the home team plays from. All of these venues are secure, and could be secured more if needed. The Presentation Cup is already displayed, along with the other NHL Trophies in each Conference Champions home town. Why not include The Original Stanley Cup. Thats the Trophy they will be playing for, so include the Original Stanley Cup back into the game, the arena, the atmosphere, and most importantly the Winners, Owners, the Team Organization, Their Family and close Friends. The Sponsors, the Volunteers and the Fans too.

We are told The Original Stanley Cup is too brittle to be awarded. Nonsense, The Original Stanley Cup is made from English Sterling Silver, almost a tough as nails. The folklore is endless about what the Winners have done to The Original Stanley Cup. It has also servived through Spanish Influenza, 1899 to 1900 Millenium change, World War 1, the Great Depression, World War 2, the 1950s & early 1960s, this is one strong Trophy. Look at it, it looks good to me.
Here's a fact : The tradition of drinking out of the Stanley Cup Bowl started in 1896 by the Winnipeg Victorias and dictates that the Winning Team drink Champagne from the Top Bowl after Victory.
Think about how many Great Men & Women drank from this Trophy between 1896 and 1963 including Prime Ministers and Presidents, its astonishing to say the least. These Great People, their Spirits, their Souls, their Laughter, their Courage & Vigor. All left dry on a rim, behind glass, only to look at. Well, its not right, and the HockeyGods are trying to do something about this misdeed, and promote the Game of Ice Hockey at the same time through knowledge and entertainment.
We have sent 3 registerd letters dated April 13th, 2011, one letter sent to The National Hockey League Commissioner Mr. Gary Bettman at the NHL Head Office in New York City. And one letter each to the Stanley Cup Trustees Mr. Ian Scotty Morrison and Mr. Brian O'Neill at The Hockey Hall of Fame in Toronto. We have Requested that The Original Stanley Cup be included in all Championship Games where the The Stanley Cup could be won. The request is the First Step to including The Original Stanley Cup back into the celebration and festivities that are named after this Historic Trophy.

There is no reason why The Original Stanley Cup should not be at Championship Games. Would Lord Stanley of Preston approve of a Clone Trophy being presented in place of the Trophy he asked his long time friend & aide Charles Colville to find in London, England. I Think Not ! Lord Stanley touched The Original Bowl, approved all engraving regarding his family crest on one side, and Dominion Hockey Challenge Cup on the other side. Lord Stanley also approved the very first winners of The Stanley Cup in 1893 -The Montreal Hockey Club, Montreal AAA.
Please vote in our poll regarding The Original Stanley Cup, and join us as a member of HockeyGods to support all good causes of Hockey Worldwide.
Here is a link to all the Stanley Cup Winners :