EditNew York Americans Team Photo 1925
Photo taken before start of season
Team Roster,
Red Green, Billy Burch, Shorty Green, Jesse Spring, Billy Cameron, Harry Helman, Charlie Langlois, Mickey Roach, Ken Randall, Bullet Joe Simpson, Robert Earl "Spiff" Campbell, Edmond Bouchard, Alex McKinnon, John "Crutchy" Morrison, Howard Lockhart, Jake Forbes
Coach / Manager - Tommy Gorman
Trainer - Cozy Dolan
Chairman - Thomas Duggan
President - Colonel John Hammond
Madison Square Garden Owner - George Lewis "Tex" Rickard
Some players in this photo never played for the New York Americans - Harry Helman, Jesse Spring & Howard Lockhart
2 players were Great War Soldiers, and members of the Canadian Expeditionary Force.
Joe Simpson was awarded a Military Medal for gallantry. Shorty Green fought bravely at the Third Battle of Ypres where he was Mentioned in Dispatches. At Passchendaele he was a poison gas casualty but survived.